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The seagull
The seagull
Translated and adapted: by Leosh S.Ukharjipa
Directed: by Petr Lebl
Costumes: Katerina Shtefkova
Set design: Wn
Music: Philip Topol, David Skala
Blocking: Antonin Hodek
We shall play for you «The Seagull» without cuts, the first half lasts horribly long — almost two hours, and if you survive through the intermission, there will be another fifty minutes of action for you. Any more rational division to show that two years pass between acts three and four was out of the question. Initially, the play was expected to end precisely during that intermission, but later Chekhov was persuaded to write more of it. I recommend you this production because there is everything I love in it.
Petr Lebl: